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  1.  51
    Χρυσεα χαλκειων.J. D. Craig - 1967 - The Classical Review 17 (03):243-245.
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  2.  22
    Archaism in Terence.J. D. Craig - 1927 - Classical Quarterly 21 (2):90-94.
    It is sometimes assumed too rigorously that what distinguishes the language of Terence from that of Plautus is its modernity; that antiquated forms and expressions, common enough in the older dramatist , were all but completely absent in the younger . On this assumption a faulty Terence line is due simply to mistranscription, and the method of emendation is the same as would be employed on any MS. incorrectly copied in Carolingian times from an archetype now lost.
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  3.  61
    A Palimpsest Fragment of Terence.J. D. Craig - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (06):215-216.
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  4.  43
    ‘Counterpoint’ in English and Latin Verse.J. D. Craig - 1946 - The Classical Review 60 (01):14-17.
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  5.  65
    Ferrifodinae and Similar Compounds.J. D. Craig - 1927 - Classical Quarterly 21 (3-4):199-.
    Professor Linsay has called my attention to the need for an examination of these compounds, with a view to ascertaining whether they are ever used in the Singular by Latin writers, or always in the Plural. From a scholium, probably by Donatus, on Aen. X. 173: insula inexhaustis Chalybum generosa metallis, has come a gloss which appears in the Ansileubus Glossary in two forms: FR 205 Frofra : insula Tirreno mari in quo ferrifodina exercentur, RU 77 Rufa: insula Tirreni maris (...)
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  6.  47
    Hecyra Salvatore Stella: Hecyra, Introduzione e Commento. Pp. 198. Milan: Carlo Signorelli, 1936. Paper, L. 7.J. D. Craig - 1936 - The Classical Review 50 (06):224-.
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  7.  39
    Note on Terence, Andria 532.J. D. Craig - 1926 - Classical Quarterly 20 (3-4):200-.
    The traces of real, that is, ancient, rival versions of Terence's lines are not so pronounced as of Plautus' lines. Professor Lindsay has drawn attention to a possible instance at Hec. 468 . Another seems to be Andr. 532 , if I am right in supposing that the text used by Donatus had ipsum Chremem. A trace of the variant survives in the unmetrical δ-setting ipsum obuiam Chremem DGL. The text of the other minuscule MSS. has ipsum obuiam. A is (...)
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  8.  32
    Notes on Terence.J. D. Craig - 1929 - Classical Quarterly 23 (2):116-117.
  9.  33
    Priscian's Quotations from Terence.J. D. Craig - 1930 - Classical Quarterly 24 (2):65-73.
    Priscian tells us in his dedicatory introduction that he took his material from many Latin sources—collectis etiam omnibus fere quaecunque necessaria nostrorum quoque inueniuntur artium commentariis grammaticorum. This can hardly mean that he owed everything to his predecessors. At any rate it is unlikely that he copied all his illustrative quotations from earlier grammarians. The problem is one which, for our purpose, does not need to be solved. We can make Priscian responsible for every quotation , because he had the (...)
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  10.  32
    Plautus, Rudens 160–162.J. D. Craig - 1926 - The Classical Review 40 (05):152-153.
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  11.  38
    Terentiana.J. D. Craig - 1935 - Classical Quarterly 29 (01):41-.
    M. Marouzeau has re-directed attention to the peculiarity of Terentian versification by which a monosyllabic word is put at the end of the line, though it belongs, in point of sense, to the beginning of the next line. There is thus, for the copyist or ‘corrector’, a strong temptation to shift the little word to the beginning of the next line, or even to drop it altogether. Where scansion allows, the second course can be adopted without arousing any suspicions.
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  12.  29
    The General Reflection in Caesar's Commentaries.J. D. Craig - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (03):107-110.
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  13.  60
    The Interpretation of Aeschylus' Persae.J. D. Craig - 1924 - The Classical Review 38 (5-6):98-101.
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  14.  65
    Terence Quotations in Servius.J. D. Craig - 1930 - Classical Quarterly 24 (3-4):183-.
    A Previous article in this journal gave some account of Terence quotations in Priscian. A similar account for Servius is necessary. Umpf en bach's summary is far from accurate; and it has the serious defect that no distinction is made between Servius proper and the material peculiar to the enlarged Commentary. With Thilo's warning that the evidence is all against the assumption that the enlarged Commentary is a truer representation of what Servius himself wrote, we should, in any problem relating (...)
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  15.  38
    Terence Quotations in Servius Auctus.J. D. Craig - 1931 - Classical Quarterly 25 (3-4):151-.
    In dealing with excerpts from Terence in the Servian Commentary on Virgil I deferred consideration of the material found only in the enlarged Commentary, on the ground that, if any difference of quality or character should appear in this material, it must be kept distinct from the work of Servius.
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  16.  37
    Ancient Commentaries on Virgil. [REVIEW]J. D. Craig - 1932 - The Classical Review 46 (5):228-229.
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  17.  53
    An Index to Terence Index Verborum Terentianus. By Edgar B. Jenkins, Ph.D. Pp. ix +187. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1932. Cloth, $2.50. [REVIEW]J. D. Craig - 1933 - The Classical Review 47 (01):22-23.
  18.  56
    Ancestral Portraiture in Rome and the Art of the Last Century of the Republic. [REVIEW]J. D. Craig - 1933 - The Classical Review 47 (6):244-245.
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  19.  55
    De Flavio Capro Nonii Auctore. [REVIEW]J. D. Craig - 1938 - The Classical Review 52 (5):199-200.
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  20.  10
    Hecyra. [REVIEW]J. D. Craig - 1936 - The Classical Review 50 (6):224-224.
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  21.  29
    Interpolation in Terence. [REVIEW]J. D. Craig - 1939 - The Classical Review 53 (2):67-68.
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  22.  81
    Index Rerum et Nominum in Scholiis Servit et Aelii Donati Tractatorum. By J. F. Mountford and J. T. Schultz. Pp. ii + 205. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. 1930. $3. [REVIEW]J. D. Craig - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (05):201-.
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  23.  45
    Latin Comedies and Their Originals. [REVIEW]J. D. Craig - 1934 - The Classical Review 48 (5):186-187.
  24.  40
    Review: [Oratorum Romanorum Fragmenta]. [REVIEW]J. D. Craig - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (5):182-183.
  25.  19
    (1 other version)Scholia Bembina. [REVIEW]J. D. Craig - 1935 - The Classical Review 49 (4):137-138.
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  26.  80
    Spigolature Glottologiche (Quadeno terzo). Il nome 'ITALIA' nella prosodia, nella fonetica, nella semantica. By Michele Orlando. Pp. xv + 126. Torino, Vincenzo Bona, 1928. L.30. [REVIEW]J. D. Craig - 1929 - The Classical Review 43 (05):206-207.
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  27.  82
    Térence en France au XVI e Siècle. Editions et Traductions par Harold Walter Lawton. Pp. 570. Paris: Jouve et Cie, 1926. 8s. 6d. - P. J. H. Müller: De Veterum Grammaticorum in Terentio Studiis Criticis. Aachen: Ex typographia ‘Buco,’ 1926. [REVIEW]J. D. Craig - 1927 - The Classical Review 41 (05):204-.
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  28.  57
    The Terence Miniatures. [REVIEW]J. D. Craig - 1932 - The Classical Review 46 (5):221-222.
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  29.  69
    Marcus Aurelius, His Life and His World. By A. S. L. Farquharson. Edited by D. A. Rees. (Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1951. 8s. 6d.). [REVIEW]J. D. Craig - 1952 - Philosophy 27 (103):365-.